Stainer’s ‘The Crucifixion’ for Holy Week 2023

John Stainer’s The Crucifixion
Saturday, 1 April
 | Nos Sadwrn, 1 Ebrill
7:00 in the evening 
| yn yr hwyr
Download full programme


In preparation for Holy Week and as the Lenten Musical Oratory, the Choral Clerks & Scholars of the Cardiff Oratory present John Stainer’s classic, The Crucifixion.

First performed in London in 1887, Stainer’s The Crucifixion is based on the traditional format of other Passion oratorios by composers like Johann Sebastian Bach. The work intersperses a Biblical narrative with choruses, solos, and hymns reflecting on the story of the Passion of Our Lord.

The work consists of twenty different movements, using texts from the Sacred Scriptures and poetic material on biblical themes by W. J. Sparrow-Simpson, with whom Stainer had previously worked on his cantata, Mary Magdalene.

Join the Fathers, Brothers, and musical family of the Cardiff Oratory in Swinton Street for this performance of one of the well-loved musical reflections upon the redeeming work of Our Divine Saviour. The Clerks and Scholars will be joined by special guests, providing a moving opportunity to prepare spiritually in the run-up to the Sacred Triduum and Easter Sunday.

Admission is free, with a retiring collection in support of the musicians.

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