The oratory
Here at the Cardiff Oratory there are many ways to get involved in the life of the community; assisting in the liturgy as a Little Brother; joining the men’s group, the Knights of St Columba; joining the women’s groups, Magnificat; helping us on missions in schools and parishes.

Sacred Music
The Congregations of the Oratory of St Philip Neri have always been recognised as among the outstanding custodians of sacred music.

Oratorian Saints
Oratorian saints, known for their dedication to prayer, community, and teaching, played pivotal roles in the Counter-Reformation.

Oratorian Vocation
The Oratorian vocation is that of the threefold ministry given to the Apostles: prayer in common; the administration of the sacraments, and the daily Word of God.

The Little Oratory
The Little Oratory is a fellowship of men and women who promote the spirituality of the Oratory amongst the laity.

Novena to St Philip Neri
The Feast of St. Philip Neri is kept on 26 May in both the General Roman Calendar and in the Proper Calendar of the Congregations of the Oratory.

Rosary of St. Philip Neri
Saint Philip Neri, who founded the Congregation of the Oratory in Sixteenth Century Rome, had a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Make a gift to the Oratory
Join us in supporting the Cardiff Oratory at St. Alban’s-on-the-Moors Church. Click ‘Donate’ below to make your gift through SumUp, our secure and user-friendly platform. You can also dedicate your donation in memory of a loved one.