Could you not watch with me one hour?

“Could you not watch with me one hour? Watch, and pray that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.” These words of Jesus were spoken in Gethsemane shortly before his betrayal by Judas. I invite you to imagine these words spoken to you by our Eucharistic Lord here this morning. One hour can feel like a long time to us, especially one hour in silence when we have other things to do. But this is the Lord to whom a thousand years is as a single day. His request is not great – it is we who are impatient. Every day the Lord invites us to do many small things for Him which may seem insignificant to us. Perhaps their apparent insignificance is why we don’t always do them, or do them begrudgingly. But this is also the Lord to whom a single day is as a thousand years. All acts of loving service, no matter how small, are infinitely valuable in His sight. Indeed, practicing obedience in the little things will train and strengthen us in preparation for the big things. When He inevitably invites us to take our place next to Him on the cross, pray for the grace to say yes. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Could you not watch with me one hour?

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