St. Alban’s Day 2022

The celebration of Titular Patron of the Oratory Church, St. Alban the Protomartyr, was particularly special this year, as it coincided with several major events: the Enthronement of His Grace, The Most Reverend Mark O’Toole, the Eighth Archbishop of Cardiff, Twelfth Bishop of Menevia, and Metropolitan of All Wales and Herefordshire and the Solemnities of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The observances also saw the world premiere of Upon The Hill: The Martyrdom of Saint Alban, a professionally written, acted, and produced drama telling the story of St. Alban’s life and death.

Other highlights included the second-annual Procession of the Major Relics of St. Alban through the streets of Cardiff, as well as Solemn Veneration in the Crossing of the Church and at the Reliquary Shrine.

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