Jeanne d’Arc Magnificat dinner with Dr Dawn Eden Goldstein

Newman Hall held it’s second Jeanne d’Arc women’s dinner, with Dr Dawn Eden Goldstein (who, as Dawn Eden is author of The Thrill of the Chaste) as the guest of honour. These dinners are run in conjunction with the men’s Pelican dinners, the Fathers of the Oratory joined for drinks before dinner then left the women  in the capable hands of the Newman Hall student dean and the Sisters of Nazareth.

We are very grateful to Dawn for taking time out of her busy schedule lecturing at Oscott as well as writing and speaking all over the country. Dawn’s after dinner talk was entitled: “Chastity and Care for the Other” where she shared how the Church’s Teaching on human love call both single and married people to greater generosity of heart. Women of all ages and all states of life joined us for the dinner and were inspired and encouraged by what Dawn had to share.

She then kindly gave another talk based on her newly released book, Remembering God’s Mercy: What Mary can teach us, the following morning after Mass which was attended by students as well as people from throughout the diocese.

We made sure to get a copy of all of her books for the library and we hope that she has a chance to visit again in the not too distant future!

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